API Reference
Complete API documentation for Gconv Prune
The Gconv Prune API provides comprehensive endpoints for chat interactions, user management, and advanced AI features. All API requests are made over HTTPS and return JSON.
API Keys
All API requests require authentication using an API key. Include your API key in the Authorization header:
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
Security Note
Never share your API keys or commit them to version control. Use environment variables to manage keys securely.
Chat Endpoints
Send Message
POST /api/chat/send
Request Body
"message": string,
"context_id": string?,
"model": string?,
"stream": boolean?
"id": string,
"response": string,
"context_id": string,
"created_at": string
Get Chat History
GET /api/chat/history
Query Parameters
"context_id": string?,
"limit": number?,
"before": string?
"messages": [
"id": string,
"content": string,
"role": string,
"created_at": string
"has_more": boolean
User Management
Get User Profile
GET /api/user/profile
"id": string,
"email": string,
"name": string,
"created_at": string,
"preferences": object
Update User Settings
PUT /api/user/settings
Request Body
"theme": string?,
"language": string?,
"notifications": object?
"success": boolean,
"settings": object
Error Handling
Error Responses
Error Format
"error": {
"code": string,
"message": string,
"details": object?
Common Error Codes
Unauthorized - Invalid API key403
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions404
Not Found - Resource doesn't exist429
Too Many Requests - Rate limit exceededRate Limits
API requests are subject to rate limiting based on your subscription tier. Rate limits are applied per API key and reset hourly.
Free Tier
100 requests/hour
Pro Tier
1,000 requests/hour
Custom limits
Need Help?
For technical questions about our API or help with integration, check our API guides or contact our support team.